Argentina, 2005

Arte Iberoamericano Contemporáneo

By Maria Elena troncoso/Ricardo C. Lescano Grosso
Miguel Tió

(Critic Vision)
Joan Lluis Montañés


Creator of Illusory images and worlds, generator of portraits of dramatic but also complex characters, Miguel Tió is an artist who plays with fantasy and the cultures, with the information and the adventure of knowledge. His work investigates on the existing dimensions, searches for amusement in the drama paradigm and the illusion of reaching the knowledge. He constitutes a constant search of new realities that he idealizes, but also realized about reality, hence the drama.

He is ambivalent, always in perpetual reflection between the idea vision and the verification of the truth, with all his harshness. He sublimates the situations, introduces us to fantastic images, showing his great command of drawing, composition and color. His work is clean, direct but with a point of enigma that makes it interesting. Besides, the Dominican author works for theater, movies, and TV productions, taking part in films of great world wide impact, influencing his pictorial work, that is very visual, with the presence of very well delimited characters, but this ones are placed inside environments in which there is a very learned script, as for he relates his own vision about the subject matter.