This is a painting that I have been working for a few year about my great grandfather Emeterio Sanchez (1866-922) who, in 1916 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic "Repeatedly dove into the water to rescue U.S. sailors, facing great threat to his own life. Without his efforts, historians agree that many more lives would have been lost.

In later years thanks to the internet, I learned more about him.


Crecí oyendo las historias sobre mi bisabuelo Emeterio Sánchez (1866-1922) quien, en 1916 se lanzo a las aguas del mar caribe para rescatar marinos estadounidenses a riesgo de su propia vida. Los historiadores concuerdan que sin su esfuerzo muchas vidas mas se pudieron haber perdido.

Años mas tarde gracias al Internet pude aprender mas sobre el.